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Rishikesh SR


“Change relies on accepting, embracing and bravely facing what life throws at us. I bring this tenacity and open-mindedness to building Rapido every day.“

Rishikesh SR
  • Partnered in: 2019
  • Focus areas:
    • Technology

About Rishikesh

Rishikesh SR was born in a small town in Karnataka and attended the PES University where he studied computer science. After graduation he founded two start-ups in fintech and logistics, IMPStant and Karrier, an intra-city aggregator for mini trucks.

A lifelong stammerer, Rishikesh’s entrepreneurship forced him to tackle his impediment so he could speak for himself and his whole team. He used his software engineering skills, tweaking Google’s speech-to-text engine to build an algorithm that could count the number of times he stammered and he challenged himself to talk to strangers.

After several months of working with the tool, Rishikesh accepted a speaking request, delivering a speech to several hundred students. He didn’t stammer once and received a standing ovation.

In 2015, Rishikesh co-founded Rapdio, growing it with his partners to become India's largest bike taxi platform. He continues to be driven to create powerful products that can impact the world.

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